Sunny Days and Engaging Ways: Tips for Your ADHD Child
Explore our top tips for keeping your ADHD child engaged during the summer holidays.

Autism and Puberty: Embracing Change Together
As we embark on this journey together through the ever-changing landscape of growth and development, there's a particular chapter that...

Understanding Sensory Sensitivities in Individuals with Autism
Sensory sensitivities are a common, yet often misunderstood, aspect of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Individuals with autism may...

Learn the Signs of Autism in Toddlers and Why Early Intervention is Key
Here are three valuable resources from Parents Magazine that contain facts you should know.

Guide to Childhood Executive Functioning
The development of executive functioning skills can take time, support, resources, and love. Children will learn these important skills, but

The Food Experiment Challenge: Feeding Strategies for Children with ASD
This experiment may be as simple as tolerating an unpleasant or new food at the table, passing a dish with the food, smelling the food, or i

Children’s Screen Time: When and How to Limit Usage
Every child is different, and so there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question “how and when do I limit screen time?”. That being sai

A Parent’s Guide to Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
ABA focuses on positive reinforcement strategies to help children who are having difficulty learning or acquiring new skills or are displayi

Early Autism Detection
Between the ages of 2 and 3, many important milestones of childhood development take place, and this is the age that many Autism Spectrum Di

Avoid Holiday Meltdowns - Three Valuable Tips
There are so many things to love about the holiday season. From the smells of a warm and busy kitchen, to the sounds of constant Christmas c